Recruiters in 26 Biggest American Cities

Recruiters in 26 Biggest USA Cities

Work with headhunters and recruiters in the largest cities in the USA

Recruiters and headhunters can be the key to optimizing your time both as a jobseeker looking for work and as an employer looking for talent. These recruitment firms are professionals in their field and specialists in their geographic area.

Looking for work work in the biggest cities in the USA can be a challenge. As a jobseeker you can certainly benefit from having a professional on your side navigating the increasingly competitive job search world we are in!

As an employer finding the best talent for an open role you may have can also be a challenge. Top talent is in demand and recruiting the best available talent can make all the difference. Get help recruiting for your open roles with the best local headhunters, and executive recruiters!

Headhunters, executive recruiters, recruitment agencies are talent search specialists who focus on finding the top qualified candidates for job openings they have with their client employers. In this extremely competitive job search environment there are many benefits to working with a headhunter!

Recruiters and headhunters deliver a significant advantage to your search!

USA Recruiters in the 26 Biggest Cities
Recruiters in the 26 Biggest Cities in the United States of America

Find the best recruiters, and headhunters in the 26 biggest cities in the USA!

Get Access to the Local “Hidden” Job Market

Access to the hidden job market. Connecting with the right headhunter can grant you consideration for job vacancies that are never posted anywhere (the hidden job market). These jobs are available but not promoted. Headhunters may know of these other job opportunities and can present you as a possible candidate for them to their clients. Without the assistance of a headhunter you likely never know about these opportunities.

Get Access to many more local job opportunities!

Access to more job opportunities. Headhunters usually work with multiple clients (employers). They may be able to present additional opportunities with other employers they work for that you are not aware of. This can expand your job search to additional opportunities that you would likely never have come across on your own. Headhunters can widen the net so to speak of additional opportunities for you consider.

Headhunters can open doors

Headhunters are recruitment professionals that can help open closed doors. Headhunters know their clients (employers) very well. They know which skill sets are absolute musts and which skill sets are simply nice to have, so they can be effective in highlighting the right skill sets to the hiring authority. This direct line of communication with the hiring authority is critical in opening doors, and setting you apart from the masses.

Headhunters will also know the local market very well, and can prove to be a real asset in getting insights to all things local in their city location.

The biggest cities in the USA have thousands of fantastic career opportunities. Headhunters Directory is an amazing guide to the very best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies in those cities.

The best American executive recruiters and headhunters

Here is our guide to headhunters and recruiters in the 26 biggest cities in the USA

Simple select the city of interest to go right to our area dedicated to the best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies operating there.

New York City HeadhuntersSan Francisco Headhunters
Los Angeles HeadhuntersColumbus Headhunters
Chicago HeadhuntersCharlotte Headhunters
Houston HeadhuntersIndianapolis Headhunters
Phoenix HeadhuntersSeattle Headhunters
Philadelphia HeadhuntersDenver Headhunters
San Antonio HeadhuntersWashington DC Headhunters
San Diego HeadhuntersEl Paso Headhunters
Dallas HeadhuntersBoston Headhunters
San Jose HeadhuntersNashville Headhunters
Austin HeadhuntersPortland Headhunters
Jacksonville HeadhuntersLas Vegas Headhunters
Fort Worth HeadhuntersDetroit Headhunters

Connect with American executive recruiters and headhunters

American Recruiters and Headhunters are happy to help
American Recruiters and Headhunters are happy to help…connect with them.

Give yourself and the headhunter, executive recruiter time. Connect with a headhunter as early as possible in your job search.

Networking with headhunters that operate within your field of specialty, and within you target geographic area may help you finally land that perfect job. It does not matter whether you have just started your job search or have been unemployed for some, or even if you are still employed but find your self in a job that you are unsatisfied with, connecting with a headhunter can make significant difference to your successful job search. Learn more about the benefits of working with a headhunter.

Ensure the right recruiters, headhunters, and employment agencies have your details on hand…ensure they know you are actively searching for new role.

The world we are in today is very connected. It is very fast. It is very competitive.

The job market can be extremely competitive, so connecting with a headhunter that works in your field of expertise, and has clients within your target geographic area can deliver an excellent advantage.

Headhunters can open doors for you!

Headhunters can open the right doors to job opportunities now and in the future.

Start your search for the best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies right here on HeadhuntersDirectory. Learn how to use HeadhuntersDirectory.

Simple….Easy…and yes Free!

To date HeadhuntersDirectory has assisted literally millions of jobseekers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other locations. Connect with a local recruiting firm during your search for the next career opportunity, or search for the best talent for that vacancy!

The job seekers have been both local and from afar! The jobseekers have been across the entire spectrum from general laborer, to the C suite executive. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms.

Headhunters in the 15 Biggest Canadian Cities

Headhunters in 15 Biggest Canadian Cities

Find headhunters working the largest Canadian cities

As an employer, or HR manager finding the best talent for an open role you may have can be a time consuming challenge. Top talent is in demand and recruiting the best available talent can make all the difference. Get help recruiting for your open roles with the best local headhunters, and executive recruiters!

Job seekers looking for work in the biggest cities in Canada can be also be a huge challenge. As a jobseeker you can certainly benefit from having a professional recruiter on your side navigating the increasingly competitive job search world we are in!

Headhunters, executive recruiters, recruitment consultants are talent search specialists who focus on finding the top qualified candidates for job openings they have with their client employers. In this extremely competitive job search environment there are many benefits to working with a headhunter!

Headhunters can give you a significant advantage in your job, or talent search!

Headhunters in Canada's 15 Biggest Cities
Headhunters and Recruiters in Canada’s 15 Biggest Cities

Find the best headhunters in the 15 biggest cities in Canada!

Headhunters are recruitment professionals that can help open closed doors. Headhunters know their clients (employers) very well. They know which skill sets are absolute musts and which skill sets are simply nice to have, so they can be effective in highlighting the right skill sets to the hiring authority. This direct line of communication with the hiring authority is critical in opening doors, and setting you apart from the masses.

Headhunters will also know the local market very well, and can prove to be a real asset in getting insights to all things local in their city location.

The biggest cities in Canada have thousands of fantastic career opportunities. Headhunters Directory is an amazing guide to the very best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies in those cities.

The best Canadian headhunters and executive recruiters

Here is our guide to headhunters and recruiters in the 15 biggest cities in Canada

Simple select the city of interest to go right to our area dedicated to the best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies operating there.

Toronto, OntarioHamilton, Ontario
Montreal, QuebecKitchenerWaterloo, Ontario
Vancouver, British ColumbiaLondon, Ontario
Calgary, AlbertaVictoria, British Columbia
Edmonton, AlbertaHalifax, Nova Scotia
Ottawa, OntarioOshawa, Ontario
Winnipeg, ManitobaWindsor, Ontario
Quebec City, QuebecSaskatoon, Saskatchewan

Connect with Canadian executive recruiters and headhunters early in your search.

Canadian Headhunters in 15 Biggest Cities
Canadian Headhunters and Recruiting Agencies in the 15 Biggest Cities

Give yourself and the headhunter, executive recruiter time. Connect with a headhunter as early as possible in your job search.

Headhunters are recruitment professionals that can help open closed doors. Headhunters know their clients (employers) very well. They know which skill sets are absolute musts and which skill sets are simply nice to have, so they can be effective in highlighting the right skill sets to the hiring authority. This direct line of communication with the hiring authority is critical in opening doors, and setting you apart from the masses. Learn more about the benefits of working with a headhunter.

Ensure the right recruiters, headhunters, and employment agencies have your details on hand…ensure they know you are actively searching for new role.

The world we are in today is very connected. It is very fast. It is very competitive.

The job market can be extremely competitive, so connecting with a headhunter that works in your field of expertise, and has clients within your target geographic area can deliver an excellent advantage.

Headhunters can open doors for you!

Headhunters can open the right doors to job opportunities now and in the future.

Start your search for the best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies right here on HeadhuntersDirectory. Learn how to use HeadhuntersDirectory.

Simple….Easy…and yes Free!

To date HeadhuntersDirectory has assisted literally millions of jobseekers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other locations. Connect with a local recruiting firm during your search for the next career opportunity, or search for the best talent for that vacancy!

The job seekers have been both local and from afar! The jobseekers have been across the entire spectrum from general laborer, to the C suite executive. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms.
Headhunters in 10 Biggest American Cities

Headhunters in 10 Biggest USA Cities

Headhunters working in the biggest American cities

Finding work in the biggest cities in the USA can be a challenge. As a jobseeker you can certainly benefit from having a professional on your side navigating the increasingly competitive job search world we are in!

As an employer finding the best talent for an open role you may have can also be a challenge. Top talent is in demand and recruiting the best available talent can make all the difference. Get help recruiting for your open roles with the best local headhunters, and executive recruiters!

Headhunters, executive recruiters, recruitment consultants are talent search specialists who focus on finding the top qualified candidates for job openings they have with their client employers. In this extremely competitive job search environment there are many benefits to working with a headhunter!

Headhunters can give you a significant advantage in your job search!

USA Headhunters in 10 Biggest American Cities
USA Headhunters and Recruiters in the 10 Biggest American Cities

Find the best headhunters in the 10 biggest cities in the USA!

Headhunters are recruitment professionals that can help open closed doors. Headhunters know their clients (employers) very well. They know which skill sets are absolute musts and which skill sets are simply nice to have, so they can be effective in highlighting the right skill sets to the hiring authority. This direct line of communication with the hiring authority is critical in opening doors, and setting you apart from the masses.

Headhunters will also know the local market very well, and can prove to be a real asset in getting insights to all things local in their city location.

The biggest cities in the USA have thousands of fantastic career opportunities. Headhunters Directory is an amazing guide to the very best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies in those cities.

Here is our guide to headhunters and recruiters in the 10 biggest cities in the USA

Simple select the city of interest to go right to our area dedicated to the best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies operating there.

New York City HeadhuntersPhiladelphia Headhunters
Los Angeles HeadhuntersSan Antonio Headhunters
Chicago HeadhuntersSan Diego Headhunters
Houston HeadhuntersDallas Headhunters
Phoenix HeadhuntersSan Jose Headhunters

Connect with American executive recruiters and headhunters early in your search.

American Headhunters and Recruiters
American Recruiters and Headhunters are happy to help…connect with them early.

Give yourself and the headhunter, executive recruiter time. Connect with a headhunter as early as possible in your job search.

Networking with headhunters that operate within your field of specialty, and within you target geographic area may help you finally land that perfect job. It does not matter whether you have just started your job search or have been unemployed for some, or even if you are still employed but find your self in a job that you are unsatisfied with, connecting with a headhunter can make significant difference to your successful job search. Learn more about the benefits of working with a headhunter.

Ensure the right recruiters, headhunters, and employment agencies have your details on hand…ensure they know you are actively searching for new role.

The world we are in today is very connected. It is very fast. It is very competitive.

The job market can be extremely competitive, so connecting with a headhunter that works in your field of expertise, and has clients within your target geographic area can deliver an excellent advantage.

Headhunters can open doors for you!

Headhunters can open the right doors to job opportunities now and in the future.

Start your search for the best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies right here on HeadhuntersDirectory. Learn how to use HeadhuntersDirectory.

Simple….Easy…and yes Free!

To date HeadhuntersDirectory has assisted literally millions of jobseekers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other locations. Connect with a local recruiting firm during your search for the next career opportunity, or search for the best talent for that vacancy!

The job seekers have been both local and from afar! The jobseekers have been across the entire spectrum from general laborer, to the C suite executive. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms.

I should just pay a headhunter to find me a job

Should I pay a headhunter to find me a job?

Should you pay a headhunter?

It is tempting to think you can simply pay a headhunter to find you a job when the job market is extremely competitive! Searching for new a career opportunity is very time consuming and can a lot of time and patience. To succeed in your job search you must remain positive, focused, and determined. It takes using all the tools available today to land the perfect job opportunity, tune your resume for it, prepare a cover letter, apply for, get a call for the coveted interview, and negotiate the compensation package!

The job search routine is really a lot of work…”maybe a headhunter can just do this for me“?

We can all benefit from having a professional on our side navigating the increasingly competitive job search world we are in! Headhunters, executive recruiters, recruitment consultants are search specialists who focus on finding the top qualified candidates for job openings they have with their client employers. In this extremely competitive job search environment there are many benefits to working with a headhunter!

You may be asking yourself…”should I just pay a headhunter to find me a job?”

Should I pay a headhunter to find me a job

The simple answer is NO!

To understand why you should NOT pay a headhunter to find you a job, you must understand these key points;

A headhunter does NOT work for you (the job seeker)

A headhunter does NOT work for you (the job seeker). Headhunters work for the hiring authority which is the employer. They do NOT work FOR the jobseeker. This is a huge misconception in the industry. It is extremely important to understand this key point.

A headhunter may choose to work WITH you

A headhunter may choose to work WITH you. If your skill set appears to a possible match to an assignment a headhunter may be working to fill now or perhaps even in the future, then a headhunter MAY choose to work WITH you as a candidate for their client’s (the hiring authority) vacancy.

Maintain a positive relationship with a headhunter

To maintain a positive relationship with a headhunter, you will need to reframe your understanding as to what a headhunter does, and who they work for. Assuming a headhunter is working FOR you as a jobseeker will show ignorance to the search process, and could certainly be a huge negative in how you unwillingly frame your communication with that headhunter.

Finding a job for a job seeker is NOT what a headhunter does

Finding a job for a job seeker is NOT what a headhunter does. A headhunter may put your details forward for consideration to a role they feel you would be suited for, however the search always starts with the needs of the hiring authority (the employer). It is the hiring authority that is the client not you the job seeker.

Finding a job is really the role of the job seeker at the end of the day

Finding a job is really the role of the job seeker at the end of the day. A headhunter can certainly make the process more fluid, more focused, and targeted, however a headhunters job is NOT to find a job for you, instead their job is to find the best available talent for their clients vacancies.

Although you as a job seeker should NOT pay a headhunter, there are many benefits to working WITH a headhunter.

benefits to working with headhunters

There are many, many benefits to working with a headhunter including;

Headhunters are recruitment professionals that can help open closed doors. Headhunters know their clients (employers) very well. They know which skill sets are absolute musts and which skill sets are simply nice to have, so they can be effective in highlighting the right skill sets to the hiring authority. This direct line of communication with the hiring authority is critical in opening doors, and setting you apart from the masses.

Recruiters in the biggest USA cities.

Critical second set of eyes. A headhunter will be quick to point out any glaring issues with your resume or cover letter. They are interested in showcasing qualified candidates that they have chosen to work with in the best positive light to their clients. If they see a glaring issue with you cv they will let you know about it, so that it can be corrected before they decide to refer you to the hiring authority. This second set of eyes that works in the field daily is extremely valuable and can make a huge difference to your success rate. Headhunters will do this as it is also in their interest that your present well to their client.

Access to the hidden job market. Connecting with the right headhunter can grant you consideration for job vacancies that are never posted anywhere (the hidden job market). These jobs are available but not promoted. Headhunters may know of these other job opportunities and can present you as a possible candidate for them to their clients. Without the assistance of a headhunter you likely never know about these opportunities.

Access to more job opportunities. Headhunters usually worth with multiple clients (employers). They may be able to present additional opportunities with other employers they work for that you are not aware of. This can expand your job search to additional opportunities that you would likely never have come across on your own. Headhunters can widen the net so to speak of additional opportunities for you consider.

Open line to the hiring authority. Headhunters will have an open line of communication to their client and the hiring authority. They will get feedback on their referrals from the hiring authority that can be instrumental in helping focus your job search, and skill set. Applying on your own will likely only result in a request for interview or nothing at all. Working with a headhunter will give you access to a direct line of communication with the hiring authority that simply does not exist on your own.

Less time applying for jobs. On your own you will need to constantly search out job postings and apply to them like everyone else. A headhunter can be instrumental in focusing on opportunities they know you are qualified for. They are not going to refer your details to any roles you are not qualified for as that would be a waste of their time, their clients time, and you time.

Salary that is a proper fit. Headhunters are interested in maximizing everyone’s time, including ensuring that they only refer candidates to their clients for roles that have a compensation range that makes sense for both the jobseeker and employer. On your own you may spend hours, days, and weeks focused on opportunities that at the end of day do not have a compensation range that would make sense for you. If your salary range is set at X a headhunter is not going to send your details in for consideration for a role that only has a compensation of x-20K as it would likely be a waste of everyone’s time. Searching on your own you will likely not even have a compensation discussion until you get through an interview first.

Discreet job search. Headhunters ensure that your details remain confidential during your job search. Many job applicants are already employed when they initiate a job search and risk exposing the fact that they are in active search for a new role. A headhunter can ensure discretion is maintained during the process. Sometimes interviews with the hiring authority are done at the Headhunters offices to maintain an extra layer of confidentiality.

Honest professional feedback. To maximize your time, the hiring authority’s time, and the headhunters time, you can expect professional honest feedback and critic of your job search goals, skill set, resume, and personality traits. If there are areas that need improvement a headhunter will let you know so that you can regroup and make any necessary amendments to get the results you want. Headhunters are not interested in wasting anyone time on a application that is not going to have a chance of success for whatever reason. This honest professional feedback can save you an extraordinary amount of time.

Greater chance of consideration for an open role. A referral from a headhunter, executive recruiter is going to have a greater chance of being properly considered by the hiring authority. Employers choose to engage the professional services of headhunter and as such are going to ensure they review their candidates. Applying direct to an employer risks the chance that your details may or may not be given consideration when there are many candidates applying to the vacancy.

Access to additional job opportunities in the future. Even if you are not an exact match to a current vacancy that the headhunter is working on today, working with a headhunter can grant you consideration for opportunities that develop in the future. Headhunters will hold on to details of candidates with skill sets they feel are in demand and contact them at a later date to discuss new opportunities develop with their clients. Some of the best opportunities are filled with very happy candidates in this way (and often these role are never advertised anywhere).

There are many additional benefits to working with a headhunter. Remember if a headhunter chooses to work with you during your job search that they will do all they can to open the doors that they feel should be opened for you now and in the future. Treat your relationship with the headhunter with professionalism, honesty, and respect and you should receive the same in return.

Any advantage you can harness today can make the difference between getting the call for an interview or being one of the many, many other applicants who do not. But you really need to show that you understand that headhunters are working for hiring authority.

When you have a proper understand as what a headhunter does, and who they work for you will see that the question of “should I pay a headhunter to find me a job?” is really an unintelligent question to ask yourself altogether. It is simply not what they do. Instead you should focus on connecting with headhunters to move your job search forward.

Give yourself and the headhunter, executive recruiter time. Connect with a headhunter as early as possible in your job search.

Networking with headhunters that operate within your field of specialty, and within you target geographic area may help you finally land that perfect job. It does not matter whether you have just started your job search or have been unemployed for some, or even if you are still employed but find your self in a job that you are unsatisfied with, connecting with a headhunter can make significant difference to your successful job search.

Ensure the right recruiters, headhunters, and employment agencies have your details on hand…ensure they know you are actively searching for new role.

The world we are in today is very connected. It is very fast. It is very competitive.

The job market can be extremely competitive, so connecting with a headhunter that works in your field of expertise, and has clients within your target geographic area can deliver an excellent advantage.

Headhunters can open doors for you!

headhunters can open doors

Headhunters can open the right doors to job opportunities now and in the future.

Start your search for the best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies right here on HeadhuntersDirectory. Learn how to use HeadhuntersDirectory.

Simple….Easy…and yes Free!

To date HeadhuntersDirectory has assisted literally millions of jobseekers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other locations. Connect with a local recruiting firm during your search for the next career opportunity, or search for the best talent for that vacancy!

The job seekers have been both local and from afar! The jobseekers have been across the entire spectrum from general laborer, to the C suite executive. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms.

Advantages come from working with a headhunter

Benefits of working with Headhunters

There are many benefits to working with a professional headhunter

We can all benefit from having a professional on our side navigating the increasingly competitive job search world we are in! Headhunters, executive recruiters, recruitment consultants are search specialists who focus on finding the top qualified candidates for job openings they have with their client employers. In this extremely competitive job search environment there are many benefits to working with a headhunter!

Headhunters can give you a significant advantage in your job search!

Advantages of working with headhunters

Headhunters are recruitment professionals that can help open closed doors. Headhunters know their clients (employers) very well. They know which skill sets are absolute musts and which skill sets are simply nice to have, so they can be effective in highlighting the right skill sets to the hiring authority. This direct line of communication with the hiring authority is critical in opening doors, and setting you apart from the masses.

Access to the hidden job market. Connecting with the right headhunter can grant you consideration for job vacancies that are never posted anywhere (the hidden job market). These jobs are available but not promoted. Headhunters may know of these other job opportunities and can present you as a possible candidate for them to their clients. Without the assistance of a headhunter you likely never know about these opportunities.

Critical second set of eyes. A headhunter will be quick to point out any glaring issues with your resume or cover letter. They are interested in showcasing qualified candidates that they have chosen to work with in the best positive light to their clients. If they see a glaring issue with you cv they will let you know about it, so that it can be corrected before they decide to refer you to the hiring authority. This second set of eyes that works in the field daily is extremely valuable and can make a huge difference to your success rate. Headhunters will do this as it is also in their interest that your present well to their client.

Access to more job opportunities. Headhunters usually work with multiple clients (employers). They may be able to present additional opportunities with other employers they work for that you are not aware of. This can expand your job search to additional opportunities that you would likely never have come across on your own. Headhunters can widen the net so to speak of additional opportunities for you consider.

Less time applying for jobs. On your own you will need to constantly search out job postings and apply to them like everyone else. A headhunter can be instrumental in focusing on opportunities they know you are qualified for. They are not going to refer your details to any roles you are not qualified for as that would be a waste of their time, their clients time, and you time.

Open line to the hiring authority. Headhunters will have an open line of communication to their client and the hiring authority. They will get feedback on their referrals from the hiring authority that can be instrumental in helping focus your job search, and skill set. Applying on your own will likely only result in a request for interview or nothing at all. Working with a headhunter will give you access to a direct line of communication with the hiring authority that simply does not exist on your own.

Salary that is a proper fit. Headhunters are interested in maximizing everyone’s time, including ensuring that they only refer candidates to their clients for roles that have a compensation range that makes sense for both the jobseeker and employer. On your own you may spend hours, days, and weeks focused on opportunities that at the end of day do not have a compensation range that would make sense for you. If your salary range is set at X a headhunter is not going to send your details in for consideration for a role that only has a compensation of x-20K as it would likely be a waste of everyone’s time. Searching on your own you will likely not even have a compensation discussion until you get through an interview first.

Discreet job search. Headhunters ensure that your details remain confidential during your job search. Many job applicants are already employed when they initiate a job search and risk exposing the fact that they are in active search for a new role. A headhunter can ensure discretion is maintained during the process. Sometimes interviews with the hiring authority are done at the Headhunters offices to maintain an extra layer of confidentiality.

Honest professional feedback. To maximize your time, the hiring authority’s time, and the headhunters time, you can expect professional honest feedback and critic of your job search goals, skill set, resume, and personality traits. If there are areas that need improvement a headhunter will let you know so that you can regroup and make any necessary amendments to get the results you want. Headhunters are not interested in wasting anyone time on a application that is not going to have a chance of success for whatever reason. This honest professional feedback can save you an extraordinary amount of time.

Access to additional job opportunities in the future. Even if you are not an exact match to a current vacancy that the headhunter is working on today, working with a headhunter can grant you consideration for opportunities that develop in the future. Headhunters will hold on to details of candidates with skill sets they feel are in demand and contact them at a later date to discuss new opportunities develop with their clients. Some of the best opportunities are filled with very happy candidates in this way (and often these role are never advertised anywhere).

Greater chance of consideration for an open role. A referral from a headhunter, executive recruiter is going to have a greater chance of being properly considered by the hiring authority. Employers choose to engage the professional services of headhunter and as such are going to ensure they review their candidates. Applying direct to an employer risks the chance that your details may or may not be given consideration when there are many candidates applying to the vacancy.

There are many additional benefits to working with a headhunter. Remember if a headhunter chooses to work with you during your job search that they will do all they can to open the doors that they feel should be opened for you now and in the future. Treat your relationship with the headhunter with professionalism, honesty, and respect and you should receive the same in return.

Any advantage you can harness today can make the difference between getting the call for an interview or being one of the many, many other applicants who do not.

Start connecting with Headhunters early…

Connect with Headhunters early

Give yourself and the headhunter, executive recruiter time. Connect with a headhunter as early as possible in your job search.

Networking with headhunters that operate within your field of specialty, and within you target geographic area may help you finally land that perfect job. It does not matter whether you have just started your job search or have been unemployed for some, or even if you are still employed but find your self in a job that you are unsatisfied with, connecting with a headhunter can make significant difference to your successful job search.

Contingent Recruitment. These search assignments are often contingent on the headhunter recruiting a candidate and the employer choosing to hire the candidate they have recruited for the job. Headhunters are said to working on contingency in this method.

Retained Recruitment. Other headhunters may be retained to perform the search and simply present qualified candidates to the hiring authority. Simply put a headhunter is in constant search for the top available talent to fill job vacancies with their clients. Retained headhunters are paid by their client (employer) to recruit talent regardless if the client hires the recruited candidates.

Headhunters, also called recruiters, find quality candidates to fill job openings for companies. Headhunters typically work with an employment agency, and are contracted to work with a variety of companies. The headhunter typically receives a fee for matching qualified candidates with open positions. Headhunters also help applicants tweak their resumes and help them brush up on interview skills.

Ensure the right recruiters, headhunters, and employment agencies have your details on hand…ensure they know you are actively searching for new role.

The world we are in today is very connected. It is very fast. It is very competitive.

The job market can be extremely competitive, so connecting with a headhunter that works in your field of expertise, and has clients within your target geographic area can deliver an excellent advantage.

Headhunters can open doors for you!

Headhunters can open the right doors to job opportunities now and in the future.

Start your search for the best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies right here on HeadhuntersDirectory. Learn how to use HeadhuntersDirectory.

Simple….Easy…and yes Free!

To date HeadhuntersDirectory has assisted literally millions of jobseekers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other locations. Connect with a local recruiting firm during your search for the next career opportunity, or search for the best talent for that vacancy!

The job seekers have been both local and from afar! The jobseekers have been across the entire spectrum from general laborer, to the C suite executive. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms.

Who do headhunters work for

Who do Headhunters work for?

Which party is the real client of a headhunter?

Headhunters, executive recruiters, recruitment consultants are search specialists who focus on finding the top qualified candidates for job openings they have with their client employers. Headhunters usually work at an employment agency or executive search firm that is contracted with a variety of different employers to work on their vacancies.

The agency headhunters work with is contracted to recruit the best available talent on behalf of the employers.

Headhunters can give you a significant advantage in your job search!

Headhunters work for the hiring authority

Headhunters work for the hiring authority NOT the job seeker.

Simply put headhunters work for the hiring authority, meaning the employer is their client NOT you the job seeker. The hiring authority is the employer, and the employer is the party that pays the headhunter for successful search and placement.

Headhunters may choose to work WITH a job seeker NOT for a job seeker!

So always remember that a headhunters goal is to find the best available talent for their client which is the employer. What does this mean? This means that a headhunter may choose to work WITH you as the jobseeker if they believe your skill set is one that is in demand for a vacancy with one of their clients. This does NOT mean that a headhunter works FOR YOU the job seeker. Do not make the common mistake out there and say that “the headhunter is working for me (the job seeker)”, saying this or assuming this will only show that you really do not understand how the process works.

Understanding that a headhunter works for the hiring authority is absolutely key to knowing how to communicate properly with a headhunter if they choose to connect with you. This simple fact is one the most misunderstood in the job search sector. Not understanding that a headhunters client is the employer will limit your chances (as a job seeker) of connecting with a headhunter to move your job search forward.

Any advantage you can harness today can make the difference between getting the call for an interview or being one of the many, many other applicants who do not.

Connecting with Headhunters

Connect with headhunters and recruiters

Networking with headhunters that operate within your field of specialty, and within you target geographic area may help you finally land that perfect job. It does not matter whether you have just started your job search or have been unemployed for some, or even if you are still employed but find your self in a job that you are unsatisfied with, connecting with a headhunter can make significant difference to your successful job search.

Contingent Recruitment. These search assignments are often contingent on the headhunter recruiting a candidate and the employer choosing to hire the candidate they have recruited for the job. Headhunters are said to working on contingency in this method.

Retained Recruitment. Other headhunters may be retained to perform the search and simply present qualified candidates to the hiring authority. Simply put a headhunter is in constant search for the top available talent to fill job vacancies with their clients. Retained headhunters are paid by their client (employer) to recruit talent regardless if the client hires the recruited candidates.

Headhunters, also called recruiters, find quality candidates to fill job openings for companies. Headhunters typically work with an employment agency, and are contracted to work with a variety of companies. The headhunter typically receives a fee for matching qualified candidates with open positions. Headhunters also help applicants tweak their resumes and help them brush up on interview skills.

Ensure the right recruiters, headhunters, and employment agencies have your details on hand…ensure they know you are actively searching for new role.

The world we are in today is very connected. It is very fast. It is very competitive.

The job market can be extremely competitive, so connecting with a headhunter that works in your field of expertise, and has clients within your target geographic area can deliver an excellent advantage.

Headhunters can open doors for you!

Headhunters can open the right doors to job opportunities now and in the future.

Start your search for the best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies right here on HeadhuntersDirectory.

Simple….Easy…and yes Free!

To date HeadhuntersDirectory has assisted literally millions of jobseekers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other locations. Connect with a local recruiting firm during your search for the next career opportunity, or search for the best talent for that vacancy!

The job seekers have been both local and from afar! The jobseekers have been across the entire spectrum from general laborer, to the C suite executive. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms.

Get headhunters to help you land your next job

Get headhunters to help you land your next job!

Headhunters can give you a significant advantage in your job search!

Searching for a new job is hard work, you should make use of any advantage you can find to locate your next career. A successful job search requires you maintain a positive mind set everyday as you explore opportunities. The job search can be time consuming, stressful, and full of ups and downs.

Headhunters job search advantage

Todays job search is very competitive.

Any advantage during your job search can make the difference when many others are also competing with you for the same position. It is commonplace to have hundreds of applicants to a single job posting now, and having an inside track can certainly help you stand out and get noticed. To give yourself an advantage over others in search of the same job reach out to headhunter!

Headhunters and executive recruiters can give you an advantage over others in the competitive job markets today. A headhunter can be a source for additional job opportunities that are never advertised anywhere…! These open positions are part of what is known as the hidden job market. In addition to this a headhunter can ensure that you are presenting a competitive structured resume for that specific open role, and help you present yourself in the best light to get doors to open.

Headhunters in the biggest cities in the USA are here.

Any advantage you can harness today can make the difference between getting the call for an interview or being one of the many, many other applicants who do not.

Headhunters in the biggest cities in Canada are here.

Networking with headhunters that operate within your field of specialty, and within you target geographic area may help you finally land that perfect job. It does not matter whether you have just started your job search or have been unemployed for some, or even if you are still employed but find your self in a job that you are unsatisfied with, connecting with a headhunter can make significant difference to your successful job search.

Headhunters in the biggest cities in the UK are here.

Headhunters open doors
Headhunters open doors!

Headhunters can open doors!

Headhunters, executive recruiters, recruitment consultants are search specialists who focus on finding the top qualified candidates for job openings they have with their client employers. Headhunters usually work at an employment agency or executive search firm that is contracted with a variety of different employers to work on their vacancies.

The agency headhunters work with is contracted to recruit the best available talent on behalf of the employers.

Recruiters in the biggest USA cities.

Recruiters in the biggest cities in Canada.

Recruiters in the biggest cities in the UK.

Contingent Recruitment. These search assignments are often contingent on the headhunter recruiting a candidate and the employer choosing to hire the candidate they have recruited for the job. Headhunters are said to working on contingency in this method.

Retained Recruitment. Other headhunters may be retained to perform the search and simply present qualified candidates to the hiring authority. Simply put a headhunter is in constant search for the top available talent to fill job vacancies with their clients. Retained headhunters are paid by their client (employer) to recruit talent regardless if the client hires the recruited candidates.

Headhunters, also called recruiters, find quality candidates to fill job openings for companies. Headhunters typically work with an employment agency, and are contracted to work with a variety of companies. The headhunter typically receives a fee for matching qualified candidates with open positions. Headhunters also help applicants tweak their resumes and help them brush up on interview skills.

Hidden Job Market
The Hidden Job Market…Yes it is real!

The hidden job market is REAL, and it is everywhere….ensure you partner with a recruitment firm during your job search so that your skill set is an option for these hidden roles, as well as the posted job vacancies of course.


Ensure the right recruiters, headhunters, and employment agencies have your details on hand…ensure they know you are actively searching for new role.

The world we are in today is very connected. It is very fast. It is very competitive.

The job market can be extremely competitive, so connecting with a headhunter that works in your field of expertise, and has clients within your target geographic area can deliver an excellent advantage.

Headhunters can open the right doors to job opportunities now and in the future.

Start your search for the best headhunters, recruiters, and employment agencies right here on HeadhuntersDirectory.

Simple….Easy…and yes Free!

To date HeadhuntersDirectory has assisted literally millions of jobseekers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other locations. Connect with a local recruiting firm during your search for the next career opportunity, or search for the best talent for that vacancy!

The job seekers have been both local and from afar! The jobseekers have been across the entire spectrum from general laborer, to the C suite executive. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms.

How to use HeadhuntersDirectory is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. We have been publishing this directory for over 20 years now, helping recruiters, employers, and job seekers connect! is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms.

We really have one single goal in mind, and that it to ensure there will always be a FREE easy to use online tool to help recruiters, job seekers, and hiring managers connect!

There are no accounts to setup, no passwords to remember, and no membership fees to use this guide! Just a simple easy to use guide to help the job seeker find the next career opportunity, the recruiter find the next great hire, and the hiring manager to find a reputable recruiting firm to assist them in their recruitment efforts for the next great hire!

Simple….Easy…and yes Free!

Headhunters Directory is free to use
Headhunters Directory is free to use!

To date HeadhuntersDirectory has assisted literally millions of jobseekers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other locations. Connect with a local recruiting firm during your search for the next career opportunity, or search for the best talent for that vacancy!

The job seekers have been both local and from afar! The jobseekers have been across the entire spectrum from general laborer, to the C suite executive.

Ready to make things happen?

Headhunters Directory lets get started on your job search.
Grab a coffee, have your resume ready, and begin your job search right here!

Grab a coffee, get your resume, and begin your job search right here!

Job Seekers

Job Seekers…there is no reason to job search alone! Work with a recruiting firm to open up consideration to career opportunities that are not listed anywhere else! Get access to what we refer to as the hidden job market! Many jobs are available right here on the recruiters web sites…simply click on their job postings! Remember that some of these positions are NOT advertised anywhere else!

The hidden job market...yes it is real!

HeadhuntersDirectory access the hidden job market!
Headhunters Directory…access the hidden job market!

A little known SECRET is that many recruitment firms do NOT advertise ALL available positions! There are many reasons….sometimes the hire is extremely sensitive, sometimes the recruiter has a candidate in mind for the vacancy already in their pool of talent, and there are also times when the search is an active headhunting assignment that requires extreme confidentiality!

Give yourself access to both the public and hidden job markets. Ensure your are on file with them so that at a minimum you part of their talent pool, making your skill set an option for them to consider! Revisit on a regular basis as well as the jobs posted, and opportunities available change daily!

Hiring Managers and Employers

HeadhuntersDirectory Employers and Hiring Managers
Hiring Managers and Employers…get professional assistance with your talent search!

Hiring Managers….you don’t have to recruit for that hard to fill position alone! Our recruitment firms listed here are eager to assist you in your search for the very best talent available! They will often times have qualified candidates on file already!

Save extremely valuable time in your recruitment cycle by partnering with a recruiter right here! Simply have a job description ready outlining the skills sets you require in an ideal candidate, and details of the compensation structure you have for the vacancy. Then simply contact the recruitment firms listed here that work in your geographic area and focus on your industry to start the conversation started today!

Headhunters in the biggest cities in the USA are here.

Headhunters in the biggest cities in Canada are here.

Headhunters in the biggest cities in the UK are here.

Recruiters and Headhunters

Headhunters Directory – Recruiters and Headhunters ensure your are listed here!

Recruitment Firms

Ensure your recruiting firm is included here on our directory to get your share of amazing talent for your job postings!

Being listed here also ensures you get your share of excellent leads to hiring managers that are also in search of the best recruitment agency to assist them in their recruitment cycle!

Hire top talent fast!

Hire Top Talent Fast!

Recruit the best talent for any vacancy

Hiring Managers and Employers

HeadhuntersDirectory Employers and Hiring Managers
Hiring Managers and Employers…get professional assistance with your talent search!

Hiring Managers….you don’t have to recruit for that hard to fill position alone! Our recruitment firms listed here are eager to assist you in your search for the very best talent available! They will often times have qualified candidates on file already!

Save extremely valuable time in your recruitment cycle by partnering with a recruiter right here! Simply have a job description ready outlining the skills sets you require in an ideal candidate, and details of the compensation structure you have for the vacancy. Then simply contact the recruitment firms, and headhunters listed here that work in your geographic area and focus on your industry to start the conversation started today!

Fill your vacancy with top talent….fast!

The recruitment firms will be happy to outline their fee schedule for you before any search is engaged. You will likely find that the engagement of a professional recruitment firm will likely result in a much faster hire saving you valuable time and money!

The difference between a recruiting firm and an employer is the recruitment firm is always searching for top talent! Most employers and HR managers search only when the need arises for that talent. This means that many recruitment firms will ALREADY have top talent options on file already for your vacancy!

Headhunters in the biggest cities in the USA are here.

Headhunters in the biggest cities in Canada are here.

Headhunters in the biggest cities in the UK are here.

There are also many recruitment firms that operate on contingency. This simply means there is no fee until you choose to hire one of their referred candidates for your vacancy.

Ready to hire the best talent available for your vacancy? Contact one of our recruitment firms right here to get the conversation started! is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. We have been publishing this directory for over 20 years now, helping recruiters, employers, and job seekers connect!

We really have one single goal in mind, and that it to ensure there will always be a FREE easy to use online tool to help recruiters, job seekers, and hiring managers connect!

There are no accounts to setup, no passwords to remember, and no membership fees to use this guide! Just a simple easy to use guide to help the job seeker find the next career opportunity, the recruiter find the next great hire, and the hiring manager to find a reputable recruiting firm to assist them in their recruitment efforts for the next great hire!

Simple….Easy…and yes Free!

Headhunters Directory is free to use
Headhunters Directory is free to use!

To date HeadhuntersDirectory has assisted literally millions of jobseekers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other locations. Connect with a local recruiting firm during your search for the next career opportunity, or search for the best talent for that vacancy!

The job seekers have been both local and from afar! The jobseekers have been across the entire spectrum from general laborer, to the C suite executive.

Job not advertised...why

Job NOT advertised….Why?

Why do some recruiters NOT advertise a vacancy?

It is likely part of the Hidden Job Market!

A little known SECRET is that many recruitment firms do NOT advertise ALL available positions! These hidden open jobs are part of the Hidden Job Market!

You may be thinking…why?

There many, many reasons why a recruitment firm may choose to keep a vacancy private.

Perhaps it doesn’t seem to make sense. If it is not advertised then how do they find qualified candidates for this open role?

There are many reasons….below is just a sample of reasons why a vacancy becomes part of the hidden job market.

Hidden Job Market
The Hidden Job Market…Yes it is real!

For a recruitment firm it makes sense NOT to advertise some of their open roles.

  • Headhunters, and recruiters do act as gate keepers to their clients for many reasons.
  • The vacancy may be extremely sensitive. There are many times when a confidential new hire is going to replace someone internally that will be terminated. Of course the recruiter and employer will do all that is required to ensure the soon to be terminated candidate does not become aware of their replacement coming in.
  • The recruiters may already have a qualified candidate in mind for the open role. If the recruiter already has some qualified candidates within their talent pool there is no reason to promote the role.
  • The vacancy is an open role available only if a top notch qualified candidate passively appears for a super exact match skill set. These type of roles are common…they require super rare skill sets that a recruiter can immediately identify as valuable to a client employer.
  • Current employees at the client organization are aware that the employer is engaged with this recruitment firm, and the employer really wants a candidate recruited from outside their organization as opposed to an internal candidate. Ensuring the open role remains confidential is a top priority in this case.
  • The client (employer) has very aggressive competitors that monitor their job postings, and their preferred recruiters job postings for any kind of competitive advantage. The recruiter and employer are always keen NOT to give away any competitive edge.

More reasons why a recruiting agency will NOT advertise certain vacancies.

  • Posting a vacancy will give away the clients (employers) strategic path forward. Forward strategy is critical to client (employers) success.
  • Some recruiters may also ensure that all requirements for a role are NEVER publicly listed to avoid extremely savvy jobseekers over tailoring their resume to the job description. The recruiter will then probe to see if the rare skill set is present or not.
  • The vacancy is a headhunting assignment ONLY. The employer is only interested in a very specific list of candidates out there that they have already identified, and have engaged the headhunter to reach out to them confidentially about this role. They have no interest in candidates outside this targeted list of prospects. These hires often are targeted at clients competitor star talent.
  • The vacancy may be specific enough for other recruitment firms to know who the client (employer) identity may be. To reduce risk of competition the recruiter may keep this role quite so that their relationship with the employer is not jeopardized by other firms. Recruiters want to nurture their client relationships, not give them away to competition.
  • Recruiters, and headhunters may sometimes come across an extremely valuable candidate for one of their clients. Even if the client (employer) doesn’t have an open vacancy, the recruitment firm may present the candidate because their client’s business would greatly benefit from such a hire. In these cases it is not unheard of the for the employer to CREATE a brand new role for such a candidate AFTER they become aware of this candidate valuable skill set. These are passive vacancies that only materialize after a super star candidate is presented to the hiring authority.

The hidden job market is REAL, and it is everywhere….ensure you partner with a recruitment firm during your job search so that your skill set is an option for these hidden roles, as well as the posted job vacancies of course.


Unlock the Hidden Job Market with Headhunters Directory

Unlock the hidden job market
Unlock the Hidden Job Market with Headhunters Directory

How to ensure you unlock the hidden job market?

Ensure the right recruiters, headhunters, and employment agencies have your details on hand…ensure they know you are actively searching for new role.

That is how you unlock the hidden job market. It is only then can a recruiter consider you for an open role be it publicly known or perhaps part of the Hidden Job Market.

How to be part of this hidden job market?

Ensure your are on file with recruitment firms that specialize in your field of expertise, and of course ones that have regular vacancies in the geographic area you wish to find work in. This is the best way to ensure that at a minimum you are part of their talent pool, making your skill set an option for them to consider for public postings and private open roles (the hidden job market)! is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. We have been publishing this directory for over 20 years now, helping recruiters, employers, and job seekers connect!

We really have one single goal in mind, and that it to ensure there will always be a FREE easy to use online tool to help recruiters, job seekers, and hiring managers connect!

There are no accounts to setup, no passwords to remember, and no membership fees to use this guide! Just a simple easy to use guide to help the job seeker find the next career opportunity, the recruiter find the next great hire, and the hiring manager to find a reputable recruiting firm to assist them in their recruitment efforts for the next great hire!

Simple….Easy…and yes Free!

To date HeadhuntersDirectory has assisted literally millions of jobseekers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other locations. Connect with a local recruiting firm during your search for the next career opportunity, or search for the best talent for that vacancy!

The job seekers have been both local and from afar! The jobseekers have been across the entire spectrum from general laborer, to the C suite executive. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms.