Recruit the best talent for any vacancy
Hiring Managers and Employers

Hiring Managers….you don’t have to recruit for that hard to fill position alone! Our recruitment firms listed here are eager to assist you in your search for the very best talent available! They will often times have qualified candidates on file already!
Save extremely valuable time in your recruitment cycle by partnering with a recruiter right here! Simply have a job description ready outlining the skills sets you require in an ideal candidate, and details of the compensation structure you have for the vacancy. Then simply contact the recruitment firms, and headhunters listed here that work in your geographic area and focus on your industry to start the conversation started today!
Fill your vacancy with top talent….fast!
The recruitment firms will be happy to outline their fee schedule for you before any search is engaged. You will likely find that the engagement of a professional recruitment firm will likely result in a much faster hire saving you valuable time and money!
The difference between a recruiting firm and an employer is the recruitment firm is always searching for top talent! Most employers and HR managers search only when the need arises for that talent. This means that many recruitment firms will ALREADY have top talent options on file already for your vacancy!
Headhunters in the biggest cities in the USA are here.
Headhunters in the biggest cities in Canada are here.
Headhunters in the biggest cities in the UK are here.
There are also many recruitment firms that operate on contingency. This simply means there is no fee until you choose to hire one of their referred candidates for your vacancy.
Ready to hire the best talent available for your vacancy? Contact one of our recruitment firms right here to get the conversation started! is THE original directory of Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Executive Search Firms. We have been publishing this directory for over 20 years now, helping recruiters, employers, and job seekers connect!
We really have one single goal in mind, and that it to ensure there will always be a FREE easy to use online tool to help recruiters, job seekers, and hiring managers connect!
There are no accounts to setup, no passwords to remember, and no membership fees to use this guide! Just a simple easy to use guide to help the job seeker find the next career opportunity, the recruiter find the next great hire, and the hiring manager to find a reputable recruiting firm to assist them in their recruitment efforts for the next great hire!
Simple….Easy…and yes Free!

To date HeadhuntersDirectory has assisted literally millions of jobseekers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other locations. Connect with a local recruiting firm during your search for the next career opportunity, or search for the best talent for that vacancy!
The job seekers have been both local and from afar! The jobseekers have been across the entire spectrum from general laborer, to the C suite executive.